Here you will find case studies and for the effective use of products from TPH Bausysteme GmbH in various applications in the construction industry.
Sealing Systems and Upgrate Solutions for Biogas Plants
Sealing Systems for the Renovation of Expansion Joints
Sealing and Stabilization Systems for Flood Protection Systems
Waterproofing Systems and Upgrate Solutions for Fresh and Waste Water Structures
Waterproofing Systems for Stopping Water Ingress
The outstanding properties of PUR-O-STOP FS, for stopping strong water inflows, were demonstrated clearly in a test in front of an expert audience.
Gas Pipeline in Anklam Nature Conservation Area
In the course of the OPAL gas pipeline, a microtunnel was driven under the River Peene using the pipe-jacking procedure. After around half of the total length had been run, an erratic block was found in front of the machine.
Renovation Underground Line in Berlin
The U 5 underground line in Berlin crosses underneath the River Spree. The tunnelling work had to cease in this section because the so-called shield tail seal, the S1 seal, failed due to wear.
Renovation Railway Station, Königslutter (D)
During renovation of the station, access to the platforms suitable for handicapped persons was to be achieved. The station tracks in Königslutter carry ICE express trains to and from Hanover in addition to regional trains.
Renovation Underground Car Park, Mayen
During concreting of the diaphragm wall trenches, it is probable that large quantities of water and soil were incorporated in the concrete. The 3 bottom floors showed major moisture areas and even water ingress right at the start of utilisation, which prevented commercial use of the underground car park on all floors.
Escape Tunnel, Metro, Moscow (RUS)
Once the tunnel was complete, major water intrusions which then led to destruction of the building fabric in the frost periods were noted after rain and after the thaw period in spring.
Deep Water Seaport Permanently Stabilized
JadeWeserPort – Sheet piling quay walls of the Jade Weser Port were successfully waterproofed through resin injection.
Artifical Barrier to Deviate Ground Water Aggressive to Concrete.
Lainzer Tunnel Lot LT31
Cheek heading excavation with consolidation and reinforcement of the ground properties.
Okertalsperre (D) – Sealing Under Water
The Okertalsperre, completed in 1956, has become leaky over the years in the entire area of the construction joints.